Luis Suárez


Staff member

55 apps this season, 35 goals, 15 assists.

Say what you want about his style or what have you but any forward that produces over 50 goals+assists in a season is world class and is in a bracket with only a select few.

Phenomenal production.

His performances leave something to be desired but those are great numbers :)


Well-known member
When teams play high line like Roma did can go

Coutinho Messi.

Those two narrower behind Dembele and tell him to run like Forrest Gump any time they get the ball.

Dembers needs to improve his first touch and decision making for that though!

as one my fantasy line-ups, I was gonna post:
............Usain Bolt

but with Demb as the receiver, it's realistic. Could be used often as Teams like to play high-lines against Suarez to trap him in off-sides. When they do, long looping passes or through-ball to Demb who either controls it and scores or sets catching-up Pistolero up for the Goal.

Speaking of long passes, anyone else impressed with Ziyech's quarter-back like pinpoint deliveries into the box in the Morocco - Portugal match? So many chances created, but it was an off-day for Benatia .


New member
Huge suarez critic here but our CL failiures can hardly be attributed to suarez for the most part. I mean yes he has been bad in CL but you could put a good striker in CL for those matches and I don't think the result would have changed much. The roma match for example, Suarez was shit but really he wasn't the reason we lost. Our team lacks structure and good tactics in CL and that is why we dissapoint there.

I don't agree. RM had horrible games in the CL yet they managed to win? Why because they have more striking options then us. If Suarez scored maybe that one goal vs Roma we would win the CL....who knows??? Real has these options through Bale, Isco, Marcelo, Ramos, Asensio, etc. It's not Ronaldo who shines, but the whole team. Ronaldo is there to pick the glory through couple of good games and now everyone are drooling over him even putting him above Messi, even though he was pure crap for most of the season. Couple of good games, BAAAAAAM, he's back! How? Because he had someone to score when he was shit. Messi just doesn't have that. If Suarez is off, we have at least 30% less chances to win the match. If he cannot score a goal in the CL we have 50% less chances to win it. This is his primary role, to score friking goals, and if he cannot do that then he shouldn't be playing here. Plain and simple. We can talk about the strategy all we want but we've seen his misses and donkey like techniques many times.

We need more striking options! Great, now we have Coutinho, but he wasn't available for the CL games. We need more. Paco is not an option, Dembele is not very deadly also. Alba can't do shit. How many times Marcelo saved RM? Pique is far cry from Ramos's heading abilities, same thing with Raki vs Kroos, Iniesta vs Isco, etc. In RM almost everyone is able to score, Busi vs Casemiro also.


Senior Member
there is a some rumorus about 100m offer from china

Yeah I saw that too. Most likely bullshit, and it doesn't look like Suarez is ready to head to China yet. Maybe in 2 years time.

But God, how I wish this would be true. We move on from a finished striker and get a good sum of money for him. This would seem too good to be true though.


Well-known member
Chinese clubs have to pay 100% tax on players now so if they offer us 100M that would mean 200M for them. 100 mil bid outta nowhere for a declining Suarez? Nah would be too good.

Also i don't think Suarez would ever leave us and especially not for China. Pretty sure he and his family would much rather stay in Barcelona so unless we bench him for a season i don't see him leave until his contract expires.


Well-known member

Cillessen who?


if that was true who would we buy for replacement?kane maybe?levy would skin us alive for him

If we sold Suarez for big money, we could probably afford two big signings. 1 Forward and 1 midfielder

Midfielder: Thiago/Eriksen/Verratti

Forward: Hazard/Werner/Martial/Mbappe

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