Champions League 2013/2014

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So, again. If played correctly and executed correctly, it will be a godlike and unbeatable tactic both in 2014, 2024 and 2224?
No one will ever found a way against mightly Tiki-Taka?

Ok, we disagree..

Also, current Barca, people will say: Tiki-Taka is not the problem. Our players don't run and press like before. That is the problem. And we have a bad coach.

What then with Bayern?
1. they have Guardiola
2. they have awesome players
3. they run and press like robots
But, they don't have Messi from 2009.

What if Tiki-Taka was never a Godlike tactics, and only Messi made it Godlike?
Tiki-taka is at its most effective when the opponent(s) are hunting to try to win the ball, expending energy, pulling them out of position, crushing their morale, frustrating them to commit fouls. It's as much a psychological warfare tool as its is a defence-breaking one.

Tiki-taka at its most devastating is moving the ball quickly, and this requires footballers with extremely high technical ability. However, a defensively organised and well disciplined team can neutralise it.

What we are seeing with Possession/Tiki-taka based teams like Barca & Bayern more frequently is that teams are dropping off (or Parking the Bus) and defending their 18 yard box. That immediately has an effect on the tiki-taka. 8 or 9 players, all patrolling the goal, denying virtually zero space, and basically blocking off anything that travels through that zone.

The passes need to be perfectly accurate, fizzed in extreme pace, and played at the highest tempo. You would need to rely on luck as well. A deflection, ricochet, individual error to even get through the wall of bodies.

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