11 - Neymar Jr. - v4

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New member
Sad stuff from Lucho. I don't doubt he would indeed have reacted like that, or worse, but he should still support his own player, and keep it in the locker room, if he feels Nerman is in for a scolding. If the opponents know that even his own bloody coach is against it, it will just fan the flames should it happen again.

I'm thoroughly dissappointed. Talent like Nerman shouldn't be kept on a damn leash.


Senior Member
There is a time and place for skills like that. When a team is already getting embarrass isn't the time for it as it may lead to some nasty retaliation.
Actually it was good tactical time wasting, because Athletic at that point (last 10 minutes or so) had gathered the remnants of their retard strength and assaulting our box from left to right. What know that could've happen if they got lucky once more 5 minutes before then end. Insteand they spent 5 minutes assaulting Neymar, to which he didn't even respond, spending their last energy forthat instead of turning in clutch berserk mode. Well played, Ney.
I'm more angry about him not passing to anyone else, but Messi.


New member
I don't agree with Lucho at all, but if this really isn't customary in Spain, then I guess players shouldn't do it. If it's not well accepted, you shouldn't do it at least for the sake of avoiding an inevitable conflict on the pitch. Nobody needs that and it leads to no good. We as the observers have our own opinion about it, and we might be wrong or right, but the Liga players are the community that sets the guidelines and define what is appropriate in their "line of work". Once again, I don't agree with this personally, for many reasons, one of which is because it takes away from the entertainment of the sport, but anyway, you should be a team player, preserve the honor of your club and teammates, and don't go against the norms.

And on top of this, while I personally don't think Neymar shouldn't have done it, I should point out that the timing for the trick was really bad. A spectacle final game, dying minutes, your team is up 3 goals... it serves no other purpose than to show off and make headlines. Not very good sportsmanship.


Ofc he plays for the team a lot more than he would have in any other club team but even so he is by far the most egocentrical player between the MSN in Barca shirt at least.

Neymar is always passing to Messi. That's his current problem, imo. Not being selfish. But his brain seems wired to pas to Messi only.


New member
Phenomenal game from him tonight. He is, as always, a big game player. Took a beating the entire game from their defenders behind the ref's back and then made them pay with the rainbow flick - which conveniently killed off their little momentum they had going on after Lucho's 2 subs.

Great through ball for Alves to assist Messi's second, and a shame the lino robbed him off a great goal from a fantastic pass from Leo.

Catalan Fan

New member
Sad stuff from Lucho. I don't doubt he would indeed have reacted like that, or worse, but he should still support his own player, and keep it in the locker room, if he feels Nerman is in for a scolding. If the opponents know that even his own bloody coach is against it, it will just fan the flames should it happen again.

I'm thoroughly dissappointed. Talent like Nerman shouldn't be kept on a damn leash.

I think there's already a perception that he dives and disrespects his opponents in La Liga.Maybe Enrique is just being honest and giving Neymar a heads up about it ?


New member
Lucho IMO isn't completely wrong. I think Barca players would react like that if lets say C. Ronaldo did it and score line was 3-1 in favor of Madrid. This place probably be in uproar if Ronaldo did that I think.


Lucho IMO isn't completely wrong. I think Barca players would react like that if lets say C. Ronaldo did it and score line was 3-1 in favor of Madrid. This place probably be in uproar if Ronaldo did that I think.

Then he should say it in the locker room, not the press conference
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