10 - Lionel Messi - v1

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Barçapocalypse NOW!
The thing is Messi wants to prove his worth after all the overblown "Messi sucks" thing by argentinian/madridista press, so that is clearly affecting him...

On another note, I was talking with a fellow Barca fan, and we kinda agreed that our team could use more "fire" as ChuckaOwns says, someone to yell and show character, I know that's not how our players are raised/bred, but sometimes it is useful...


Senior Member
Messi didn't have a great game, but he did have a really good game last week although he wasn't able to finish his own personal oportunities. He has quite a few assists this season- I don't see him being overly selfish. He is going to try to shoot on his own sometimes- basically b/c HE CAN. If he were to score those goals then you'd be on your knees with your hair tied back. There really isn't any pleasing some of you. I'm sure things will pick up for him, he isn't going to be magical every single game. He SHOULD of passed that one time; but he wasn't the only one who made passing mistakes in the 18.

One of you blamed him for losing 2 points....I don't know what game you watched but I blame the 2 points on Marquez being totally rubbish, again. Thats 4 goals in 3 appearances that are literally his fault, although the failed clearance was some bad luck, it was still his fault.

Get real.


I'm not the person who said he lost us 2 points....But it's a perfectly logical thing to say, could of passed a number of times for us too score, aswell as missing two easy oppotunities in the last minutes. So yeah, it is possible to blame the loss of 2 points on him, not just Marquez or Pique.

And seriusly if your attitude and his attitude is 'i can shoot whenever i want, becuase I CAN'.....well say goodbye to our trophies.


Senior Member
He definitely need to pass to people when he can, but i think his form has been way way off after he come back from NT.


New member
Yeah, alot of posters seem to think it's some sort of star vs star thing, but IMO Messi has always gone on dribbling raids and a lot of the time he's so focused on dribbling he just wants to finish himself, or just doesn't see the teammate. Even though I didn't watch as much Barca last season that's always been Messi IMO.

I think rather this is the first time in his career he's really been criticized(or am I wrong?), and it's affecting him mentally, and thus his game.

El Mesías

New member
On another note, I was talking with a fellow Barca fan, and we kinda agreed that our team could use more "fire" as ChuckaOwns says, someone to yell and show character, I know that's not how our players are raised/bred, but sometimes it is useful...

There was. A certain number 9 that got chucked to Italy.


Senior Member
I'm not the person who said he lost us 2 points....But it's a perfectly logical thing to say, could of passed a number of times for us too score, aswell as missing two easy oppotunities in the last minutes. So yeah, it is possible to blame the loss of 2 points on him, not just Marquez or Pique.

And seriusly if your attitude and his attitude is 'i can shoot whenever i want, becuase I CAN'.....well say goodbye to our trophies.

I'm not saying he should do it every time, but I am indeed saying if he thinks he can get the job done on his own at times, he should b/c he is one of the few players in the world that can pull it off. Its not going to be a goal everytime and people need to understand if he doesn't try; then its not going to happen anyway. Passes should of been made at times but he has low confidence atm, and if hogging the ball a bit until he scores a few goals is what it takes to get him back in top form then go for it.

He was playing amazing up until the international break and people started getting on his back b/c of Argentina although it's not his fault at all. Their defense and midfield sucked horribly and 1 man can't carry the team when they are underperforming. God forbid if the guy isn't on top of his game all the time.

His confidence is a little low right now and until he scores one of those goals it might stay that way. People should get behind him and support instead of complaining. Having the pressure he has, and has had since he was what 20? Not easy.
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Yes, he's not confident but tbh, he should be putting the club ahead of himself, plus an assist is just as important as a goal.....But ye, i get where you're coming from.


immaculately conceived
I think it is more Argentine shit that is bothering him.

I see it's Mallorca, Leonesa, Athletic after Rubin. Drop Messi for those three games and let him have a few days.


I think it is more Argentine shit that is bothering him.

I see it's Mallorca, Leonesa, Athletic after Rubin. Drop Messi for those three games and let him have a few days.

Yeah I agree, I also think that it's the Argentina shit that is bothering. Hopefully he'll start playing like only he knows. I know I was mad and criticized him for the Osasuna game but I also understand that it's something that can happen. He's still the best! :D


New member
every player needs criticism, he is still the best but he is a proffesional footballer and he should bear with the pressure he is being getting in the best way, he cant let that put him down or feel inferior.. because he did a bad play, great players keep their heads up and recover quickly


Improvin' Perfection!!
I don't know if any body noticed it & felt the same way as I did... But in the 39th minute of second half I felt so pissed at Messi!!! Little bugger he had all the time in the world to pass it to Ibra who was just kissing the offside line and would have rushed onto goalie had he received the pass & no Messi didn't make the pass because he had to do it all by himself!! And in the end when he was surrounded by many defenders and he couldn't do anything else he passed it to Iniesta!! I KNOW Messi does that some times but I don't know man, at that moment I was angered... If you guys have observed even Ibra looked so! Now this is where I'm totally scared!! In the 43rd min of the second half, Ibra was through with the ball was being surrounded with 2 defenders and he could have passed the ball to Messi who was all open! But he didn't, which he generally does!! May be I'm thinking too much but such things are not good for the team :(


immaculately conceived
It happened several times with Eto'o indeed. Top of my head: 5-0 trahsing of Deportivo at home. He did thesame, only to make a really pissy shit goal. Messi just loves those runs, I don't think he will ever want to pass it in those occasions.

It's good that Zlatan did something 'selfish' cause hell, I feared it would be like that all the time but in certain occasions, Zlatan is just not selfish enough (I never thought I would say this) while Messi is selfish in certain occasions, always has been. The problem for him is that mostly those runs work out fine, he is the one that CAN dribble a whole defense, and so long it works, nothing's wrong. But it failed two or three times and then you will remember it. If he scores a goal next time with a long run, it will be forgotten.

Pep should have a word though, checking what he was thinking. Anyway, we lost points, it's normal everything is under scrutiny now. It's always like that.


Senior Member
He has been playing Top-level football for 5 years. He is the next Ballon d'Or Winner & the WPOTY. Age is irrelevant, coz footballers today mature & become Pro' at an early age. So, 've a lot of experience by the time they reach their early 20's...There should not be excuses when the best player in the world makes poor decisions. I've strongly argued with The Fallen about Messi's decision-making being on par with the best in the world. But, i've to concede watching him lately, his decision-making has left a lot to be desired...Whats this nonsense abt his form & the National team pressure etc etc...Looks like some ppl 've an aversion to criticising Messi...One, he is NOT PERFECT, Two, if there is no criticism, he 'll become complacent & stagnate. If he needs to be called the best in the world & a modern great, he has to rise above the adversities. Or, he 'll never fulfill his potential.
When ur best, u should atleast get the basics right, which isn't dependent on form. I can understand being selfish & doing ur thing when the team has a comfortable lead (2 goals or more), not when u are up by only a goal & struggling to create or find the net in a tough away game...Sorry, there are no excuses for such poor decision-making. U cant 've the team suffer just because u want to bag a few goals to make urself feel better...Participating in the build-up, assisting, work-rate etc constitute a good performance. It not just about dribbling an entire defense to score a wondergoal...Our darling Leo has to learn this...Its not some competition between him & the ladyboy as to who scores more goals..If thats what he thinks it is, then he 'll never maximise his potential. The boy has soooo much more to his game & talent than any1 else in world football, that if he applied it correctly, he can be the greatest of his generation.
Hope the boy corrects his mistakes & puts in performances fitting to his status...And, he can start by making better decisions on the pitch as it 'll only get tougher for us from hereon...
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