Pep Guardiola


Several media and journalists claim that Guardiola has decided not to renew his contract, ahead of a meeting with president Rosell today. @barcastuff

what is the possibility of Pep actually wanting to renew but spreading false rumors because of the recent leaks?

Puyol the wall

Rosell offered Pep total control over everything, including signings players, selling, his contract... If he doesn't stay, he must have really strong reasons.
If this is true he has to stay one of the main reasons why he likes to manage in the UK is because most of the clubs give total control over everything in the club.


New member
Guardiola was complete freedom regarding personnel decisions relating to the sale and purchase of players, but also will have the opportunity to form an agreement according to its own conditions. This gesture has once again confirmed that the club wants to keep Pep Guardiola as a coach.

El Guaje

The 3-4-3 was made for if you like him, you must also like the formation.

And sorry if I don't evaluate a midfielder for the goals he scored(especially considering that in the examples you give those goals were not decisive)..Keita scored more importan goals last year(against Levante or Zaragoza) and I don't see you praising him..also with Keita in the team we made a 0-0 in Milano, with Cesc we lost in London. I'm not saying that it's Cesc fault that we were eliminated, but I don't like you atacking a SQUAD player, with a SMALL salary and a SMALL fee in comparison with what we paid for other players and who has done many important things for this club just because you don't like his face.

I hope you will be more happy when Pep and Keita will leave..I'm sure that with Pep being the worst coach in the world, anyone who will come after him will win more trophies in less time.

Oh..and I hope you enjoyed Mou's performance yesterday cause I know you consider him to be a far better coach then Pep and the best thing to do at 2-0 is to go all defensive.

Just because I like Cesc, it doesnt mean that I like the 3-4-3. Why would I have to do that?

I was talking about important goals. And he has scored alot of them, if he was not there to score them, Barca wouldnt have as many points in the league as they have now.

He scored in the 2-2 draw vs Sociedad, equalized against Valencia (2-2), scored in draw vs bilbao, got us the lead against Espanyol (ended 1-1) and he sealed the game against both Porto and Madrid. In his first season, he has scored like 15 goals and gave around 17 assists, how bad eh? Our 2nd best goalscorer lol.

Please dont make me count all the games that went to hell as soon as Keita went inside. And the other problem is that he takes up time from players that actually do something on the pitch. And also, Keita has not scored against Levante or Zaragoza at all this season.

And please dont exaggerate, I only said that Mou was better in some aspects. Where the hell have I said that Mou is a superior coach to Guardiola? Where have I said that Guardiola is the worst coach in the world?

Also didnt say that go all defensive is the way to go when you are through to the finals, what I said is that instead of fuking attacking the parked buss, keep the ball at your own yard in order to make Chelsea go forward so that they can get the ball because they MUST score a goal. Isnt that a safer way to play against counters? Instead of going up to pass the ball 43324535345 times and doing nothing with it, stay back. When Chelsea "split" the bus, move the ball forward fast. That is not "ALL DEFENSIVE OH MA GOD".


There will be no more meetings between Pep and Rosell, tomorow we will have the answer, but all indicates that he will not renew. The main reason might be disagreements about some players that Pep wants to leave.
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I think it'd be a pity if he doesn't renew, but if he doesn't feel right in the job then it's best he does move on as awful as that is to say.

Guardiola has done a magnificent job for Barcelona since he took over, but I think cracks have been starting to appear this year. The new transfers that came in - for all that they pass nicely and score goals - and the resulting change in formation (i am not a fan of the 3-4-3) seem to me to have unbalanced the chemistry a touch. And that touch is just enough to see Barcelona falter a bit (in both league and CL).

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