Neymar Jr.


Senior Member
After the behaviour of Barca management with Paris Saint-Germain neither Neymar nor Mbappe will end in Barca.

it's sad to say it ... but Perez is x1000 more cleaver than Barto.

Neymar liked his life in Barcelona. He understood in Paris, that he can't be a leader. Great player but he can't lead his team.

[MENTION=20519]Lutece FC[/MENTION] as a PSG fan would you like Coutinho to join PSG or not? I am interested what PSG supporters think about that exchange possibility and what players would you like to see in your shirt? Coutinho? Rakitic? Demebele? Semedo? What is your opinion on this?
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New member
it's sad to say it ... but Perez is x1000 more cleaver than Barto.



New member
I think Madrid’s interest will put even more pressure on Barto and give him more reason to sign Neymar. He won’t want to be seen losing the battle vs Perez and probably thinks his presidential status will take a hit if Neymar goes there. Let’s see what happens though.

The Observer

New member
As 75 % of the forum according to the recent poll do not want him here since he isn't the old Neymar, always partying, always injured etc., there shouldn't be much fuss if he joins Madrid.

Neymar and Hazard against backpaddling Pique will be fun.


Senior Member
expect some panic move from us if he's really close to Real, assuming he really wants us more than Real because to be honest I can't even exclude the scenario that he just used us to push Real for a move since in any case he's done with PSG and I have to say, in his place I would go to Real: more money, more chance to be the main superstar, here let's be clear, he will be always the "robin"


New member

This fact is so obvious in the last 10 years, dominated by Barca and Real midfield. I don t understand the "if Neyboy goes to Madrid, they ll win CL" moaning.
Dude won 1 cl with (near) prime Suarez/Messi. When was the last time he even played in the elimination part of CL?

Getting De Jong was more valuable than getting 2 Neymars.

Barca had few years younger MSN and they won 1 cl in 3 seasons, then going out easily vs atletico and juve. Their biggest rival won 4 cls in 5 seasons with less talented attack, you surely learn something from that, but some guys here are telling how this older and injury prone version of neymar will be decider in CL. Guy had 1 awesome season in Europe so far, but he is somehow 2nd best player in europe, i think not, neymar going to madrid can only make them weaker, he didnt suddendly change, he brings drama, irritating to watch majority of the match with his ball holding, very unlikable persona, diving... I hope he ends up in madrid, i dont see a problem with that


New member
Personally, I wonder about Barcelona's real desire to want Neymar. For your board, your coach, and your cloakroom, this is probably true. But for Bartomeu, I have my doubts. I don't think he really did everything he could to get Neymar back. If Bartomeu really wanted to get Neymar back, I think he would have done so a while ago by offering really interesting offers for Paris. He has dragged his feet too long, and now Barcelona has lost the exclusivity of the battle. Real which did not succeed in making Pogba and which Perez dreams of taking Neymar has really put himself on (confirmed by tiers 1 sources in France as RMC), and this will really be a problem in Barcelona because I think Real has a much bigger financial surface not only for the transfer to satisfy Paris, but also in contract for Neymar. They can offer more money to Paris, but also to Neymar. The arrival of Real will make it possible to show now if Bartomeu really wants Neymar. He never wanted to satisfy Paris from the beginning, he was only waiting for Neymar to start a war with the PSG to make small proposals behind and play the watch. Missed. Barcelona is under pressure now. Perez will have no problem satisfying Paris with whom he has good relations and whose goal is to continue to maintain them because his second dream is Mbappé. Good accounts make good friends. Paris must also be able to turn around and buy players, so if the deal is made, it's in the next few days.

Now, Barça also has players who are interested in Paris but it's up to them to present something that can really push Paris to sell them Neymar. Neymar's emotional choice is Barcelona, but for a bigger contract in Madrid and never to wear the PSG jersey again, he will have no problem snubbing Barcelona for Madrid. Moreover, the fact that Bartomeu said that Dembele was better than him must not have made him really consider that his return was taken seriously.


Active member
Yeah it got out of control quickly. It also embarrassing to yet again have some to steal your thunder so last minute. Have all these rumors happen a little before the transfer season then in the dying minutes your rival comes to claim your prize. I would be livid.

Lutece FC

New member
[MENTION=20519]Lutece FC[/MENTION] as a PSG fan would you like Coutinho to join PSG or not? I am interested what PSG supporters think about that exchange possibility and what players would you like to see in your shirt? Coutinho? Rakitic? Demebele? Semedo? What is your opinion on this?

No Coutinho, thanks. We don't sell one of the best, to take back the trash of our rivals.

Our board seems interested by Semedo only according to rumours which is a good thing.

It will be something like Semedo + a lot of cash. Neymar was evaluated as something like 280 M€, but more surely 260 M€. So 200 M€ + Semedo seems fair.

I think Barca doesn't have the cash.

suspect that the Barca management is not interested by Neymar reality. Not interested at all. They know his legal issues, his mentality, his cost, his injuries.

It's just the pressure of the players including his friends Messi, Suarez, Alba and so on who push Barto and his friends to propose first an unacceptable deal ... It was just to show to the players "yeah, you see, we tried"... Even for you guys, fans, i think it's 50/50.

But since the Real moved, the things have dramatically changed. They don't have the choice. Leonardo declaration has put everybody in alerts in Barcelona. How Barto is going to explain that he didn't propose anything to bring him back ?

We all know that Neymar has a big big issue with his injuries. He didn't play the 2 most important games with Paris Saint Germain the last 2 years.

Personally as a both Barca and Paris fan, i prefer to see him in Barcelona. I know that in Real, he will be letal.

I read that alone he represents one quarter of the sportive budget of Paris Saint-Germain. it's insane. Leonardo wants to have some liberty with his sell. In terms of salary it's incredible. Tax on high salaries in France are huge (one of the numerous reasons why FFP is not fair IMO), his salary after tax is something like 80 millions per year.
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Active member
After the behaviour of Barca management with Paris Saint-Germain neither Neymar nor Mbappe will end in Barca.

it's sad to say it ... but Perez is x1000 more smart than Barto.

Neymar liked his life in Barcelona. He understood in Paris, that he can't be a leader. Great player but he can't lead his team.

Good thing Barca don't need either player.

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