Thierry Henry


One thing I will say, why weren't they using the extra officials? They tried them in the Europa League, seemed to be reasonably well received, why not in the playoffs? These are huge matches, bigger than group games at the WC in some ways tbh. If you get to the WC then you're there and you're part of it, doesn't matter if you lose all 3 games. If they did have the extra officials it's almost certain they'd have had a great view of the handball and flagged. Surprised they didn't use them.


powered by;
For sure he isnt, the first touch was a reaction but if you want to blame him on anything then it has to be his second touch, imagine if Rooney did it, English press would be praising his fighting spirit and love for the country :lol:
ok jokes aside, no player would run to the ref and tell him its a hand ball in such a sensitive encounter, no player wouldve managed not to let the ball touch his hand but also very few players wouldve touched the ball again to control it with their foot, im not sure if he meant to but either way blame the ref or fifa for not finding a solution and applying it to the game. Hard luck for Ireland, I hope they make it to the euros and next wc


immaculately conceived
oK time to get over this bullshit that Henry is a "cheat" because he is far from a cheat!

A cheat is CONALDO, who does these kinds of things every week!
Ronaldo scored a goal last season with hes hands, although wasn't aloud an was givin a straight red! but no1 seems to give a fuck about that incident, if the ref did hes job properly we would NOT be in this situation where every fucker believes Henry is a cheat! because he is far from a cheat
You mean that red in the Manchester derby? That was his second yellow.

No need to bring the English team love/hate to the topic. Henry did cheat yesterday. You can't deny that, or not reasonably at least.

It's only Europa League so far, Cal. I don't know if it was a succes. There was a case with Timisoara where a valid penalty was not awarded though it happened in front of the additional ref.
You mean that red in the Manchester derby? That was his second yellow.

No need to bring the English team love/hate to the topic. Henry did cheat yesterday. You can't deny that, or not reasonably at least.

It's only Europa League so far, Cal. I don't know if it was a succes. There was a case with Timisoara where a valid penalty was not awarded though it happened in front of the additional ref.

My mistake, yeah was second yellow. Just a point of minem, that noone seems to make a fuss about that


New member
I can't believe people like you are getting completely hysterical over a handball which wasn't even committed to score a goal. are serious right?! It went from his hand immediately to his foot, immediately to a team mate standing in front of an open goal. If that isn't a handball committed to score a goal what the hell is??

A goal which denied the irish a chance to go to probably the biggest event of their professional lives. All sanctioned by FIFA apparently (according to their silence). So um, yeah it is actually quite a big deal..

1. I'm not defending cheating. at all.
2. that's not really a good article, it's far too subjective and has already judged henry. and it's ludicrous, as well, to expect henry to stop the game and say "no, I handled it, sorry." and demand the goal be chalked off. he'd be villified in france. the journo points out fowler and di canio but those were league fixtures, not knockout football, not international knockout football. the stakes were much lower and when that's the case it's easier to play fair and honest. when it comes to the big stakes games, desperate men do desperate things. henry did right by his country.

now THIS is a fair assessment of what happened. credit to duff for manning up and telling it like it is. any of them would have done it.
The DiCanio and Fowler incidents i do agree are small time.
I was talking about the main gist of the article - we expect better from the captain of france. It is not as if they were even losing..just go to the penalty shootout lottery.

I don't even blame Henry for doing it - in the heat of the moment - but his denial that it was deliberate and FIFA's silence are really damning.

Hopefully when we have a person of good character as the head of FIFA, and proper video tech used, football can start to be cured of farces such as this..


Bomb Dropper
you do realise no one will bring video tech in, right?

part of why football is so successful is because you can play it anywhere, anyhow.

there's no gay challenge system, there's no delays while the referee talks to his assistant, it's just get up and go. a ball and jumpers for goalposts. you score more than your opponent. it's so beautifully simple.

people say "oh it'd only take 5 seconds" for challenges but anyone with half a brain knows that once you let technology in, soon it will start to take over. it'll be used for more and more things and the humanity will be sucked out of football.

not to mention moments like this will be lost. and no matter what your opinions on the matter at hand, moments like this are what football is about. controversy. winners. losers. drama. you will lose so much of that.

plus as the NFL, cricket and tennis have shown (and rugby, I'm sure, but fuck if I watch it) challenges and video evidence don't guarantee accurate results anyway.

it'll never happen.

and thank fuck for that.


New member
Sorry, but i refuse to accept that either:

i) this kind of cheating is what football is all about

ii) a kickaround in the park is in any way equal to a world cup qualifier in the level of officiating needed. That is silly. Besides, the kickaround in the park has its own way of dealing with blatant cheating - cheats aren't welcome at the next game, by and large. (At least where i grew up.)

So we come to the crux of the issue - you are dead against vid tech. Well no-one is suggesting there aren't serious issues to address with vid tech, but they are just that, issues to consider and address, not something that will suck the humanity out of football.

If anything can suck the humanity out of football it is the amount of money in the game more than anything else. And that has already happened, some would say.
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New member
plus as the NFL, cricket and tennis have shown (and rugby, I'm sure, but fuck if I watch it) challenges and video evidence don't guarantee accurate results anyway.

Challenges in the NFL are pretty damn accurate. Are you against adding the extra assistant refs or are you a purist?
screw video tech, I agree with MetaPhysical. If you bring it in, it will just rule over the game of football!

Also if you bring it in, there will be no contraversy which I as a fan like it brings excitment to the game.

Video Tech is a no for me, but just my opinion.

Time to get over this shit already!


New member
The only real problem I have with vid tech is the question of when you would stop the game, where you'd restart it, etc... it seems impossible to establish a fair system, what if somebody scores a brilliant goal right after a controversial call on the other end?

La Furia

Legion of Doooom
The only way video technology would work is if the ability to challenge a call was extremely limited in how many, when, and how you use it. I'm in favour of reform but I don't want to see time outs that destroy the flow of the game.


New member
I think Thierry Henry is a disgrace to the game for what was a blatant handball, without which France would not have qualified for the World Cup. What he did was unacceptable, and at the very least the game should be replayed with Henry banned.
I think Thierry Henry is a disgrace to the game for what was a blatant handball, without which France would not have qualified for the World Cup. What he did was unacceptable, and at the very least the game should be replayed with Henry banned.

How do you know France would not of qualified? Were Ireland already through? NO!

fukwit you are

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