CL Quarter Finals: Roma - Barca (4-4 agg.)


New member
Why don;t each of you guys put your best team forward you would play.

I would not play Iniesta. He is done!

I'd rather play Busquets, Rakatic, Paulinho in the most Ugliest midfield of all time.

And upfront have Demebele, Suarez and Messi.

Back four we know who with Roberto at right back.

I pray to god paulinho starts the final if they get there. He will never let Barca down.


Best midfielder around

Messi would’ve scored after five minutes if the linesman did his job properly. It’s an unbearable trend these days for teams to always moan about the ref being on our side in the CL.


New member


well, from that gif there was a touch from semedo, not much, but enough for dzeko to lose control, if referee gave penalty for that he wouldnt miss much


New member
Despite the result, I have to say it’s a bit of a bore-fest watching this Barca side. Seem to play most games at walking pace, and there’s little spark or ingenuity in the play. I really don’t like this flat 4-4-2 that Valverde has adopted.


Senior Member
we are the new Madrid with our luck, its unbelievable. 6th own goal in the CL this season i think?

this formation is shit, boring and slow. why Dembele didn't play who knows, Semedo had a great game though


New member
We need to get Real Madrid, its for the best. Either we fuck them up and go to finals or we lose and they go to final (which they would do anyway against anyone they played). I think, form or no form, we are only ones that can stop them.


Senior Member
Well, if Dzeko had just fallen and not jumped when the contact was made, there would be a greater chance that the ref would give the pen. So IMO he fucked it up with the dive.

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