James Rodriguez


Active member
Yeah he had those Iv's plugged in cause he was weight drained? a man that walks at 150 3 months before the fight suddenly struggles to make weight.
Only logical answer is peds and having usada in his pocket.
And Fuentes wasnt attention seeking, he was the doping doctor for the cycling world and also Nadal's personal doping supplier.
Look at him before and after Fuentes got caught




Then we get to football, remember this document of where the stuff was supposed to go.

Look at the names on top.

Which club comes to mind instantly when you read that name?

All in all doping has been around football for decades, hell Juventus won a cl with it.
Is very naïve to think its suddenly all gone and everyone is clean while in this era they are stronger, faster, have better endurance and the whole game is getting more physical.
More likely they get smarter in ways to avoid getting caught.

only logical answer, there is no logic in your argument whatsoever, just suggestion and innuendo


Active member
You are naive, while drug testing, methods and technology has improved to help discover the cheaters, so has the methods to hid drug use. The one leads to the other.

the methods have improved but just because they have and you are suspicious of the physical development of people doesn't mean that any illegal activity is going on. Hiding behind your keyboard making sweeping statements about drug and steroid abuse without any evidence like mr fuentes did is in my book is pretty sad. I maybe naive in people's minds but in my book that is better than being cynical, suspicious and jealous of other peoples success.


Senior Member
the methods have improved but just because they have and you are suspicious of the physical development of people doesn't mean that any illegal activity is going on. Hiding behind your keyboard making sweeping statements about drug and steroid abuse without any evidence like mr fuentes did is in my book is pretty sad. I maybe naive in people's minds but in my book that is better than being cynical, suspicious and jealous of other peoples success.
What, jealousy? Is that the best you could come up with?


All professional players use some type of performance enhancer. You have to level the playing field when others are using if not you'll fall behind. I really don't see a problem with using enhancers honestly.


Well-known member
the methods have improved but just because they have and you are suspicious of the physical development of people doesn't mean that any illegal activity is going on. Hiding behind your keyboard making sweeping statements about drug and steroid abuse without any evidence like mr fuentes did is in my book is pretty sad. I maybe naive in people's minds but in my book that is better than being cynical, suspicious and jealous of other peoples success.



Active member
What, jealousy? Is that the best you could come up with?

it is better than any of your they have improved and won something so they must be on drugs bullshit, evidence ? Innocent until proven guilty ? Oh sorry you have no proof , do you ?


Senior Member
Anyway, drug use/cheating is an entirely different discussion than what i had intended, i was wondering how Messi/Ronaldo goes years without injuries when most others do not. Most others have a couple of setbacks each season. Messi/Ronaldo plays 50-60 games a year, even though they are tackled alot more than most, especially Messi. If drugs is common use in football, and is the cause of preventing injuries, why are there these two such masters at avoiding injuries when most others are not?
I understand that they both rest during matches, conserving energy, but they also get more abuse when on the ball than most others.


Active member
Anyway, drug use/cheating is an entirely different discussion than what i had intended, i was wondering how Messi/Ronaldo goes years without injuries when most others do not. Most others have a couple of setbacks each season. Messi/Ronaldo plays 50-60 games a year, even though they are tackled alot more than most, especially Messi. If drugs is common use in football, and is the cause of preventing injuries, why are there these two such masters at avoiding injuries when most others are not?
I understand that they both rest during matches, conserving energy, but they also get more abuse when on the ball than most others.

messi has had inury problems but what separates great sportsmen from mortals is the inner drive and desire.the will is incredible and they see missed games as missed opportunities.


If not drugs the only possible answer is luck.

Not just luck. Some individuals have a better physique too. Also new diets, training regime, the player commitment with staying healthy. Cr is the prime example of this. He has an o2 chamber at home, IIRC. Not to mention going into ice tubs to recover after games too. Most players don't do that. Messi had a physio(Juanjo Brau) with him everywhere he went, for years. After he got sloppy and injured, he got back to taking extra care of himself too.


The Observer
Out for 3 more weeks :(

Big big loss he is really the current difference maker between being very good and top squad


Best midfielder around
I can't stop myself from liking James even if he's a Real Madrid player. He's an amazing player and a person. He has quickly become RMs most important player and they really miss him when he's out.

Barcafan 2304

New member
I can't stop myself from liking James even if he's a Real Madrid player. He's an amazing player and a person. He has quickly become RMs most important player and they really miss him when he's out.

True seems a good, grounded lad. Fantastic talent and will be up there with likes of Neymar in the future as balon d'or contenders

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