José Mourinho


Is this the bit where you act like you point of view is self-evidently the correct one, without actually being able to articulate why?

Ok, so you mean it? said Mourinho is just playing the game, like always. It's harmless fun.
That was the sentence when I thought it was sarcasm.

I know many people say he is entertaining, which I understand. But harmless fun?

I mean Anders Frisk had to quit his job because he received too many death threats, caused by - even after one decade later - until this day unproven accusations made by Mourinho. Harmless fun?

How do these two things - the Frisk incident and the harmelss fun statement - can be put together and make sense for example?
I just don't understand it. Do you think this is harmless fun too or don't you know about this incident or is there another explaination?


Senior Member
And by that logic, we should blame the pundits for the racial abuse that Sterling and his child received on Twitter because they smeared him in the media. The only people who can be held accountable for morons acting like morons are the morons themselves. Besides, it could be true for all we know. The only properly cuntish thing I can remember him doing is the eye poke.


Blue Blooded Aussie
The thing ,while Benitez wife was stupid to say what she said ,I think he should haven't replied .this is more on Marca of having an interview with her in 1st place .I mean if Benitez was the one who said it Mou should have replied even more but not the man's wife IMO .
Well yeah, this is why I say I don't condone saying nasty things even though I personally have been known to. Sometimes it's just better to stay quiet, especially when it's not even said by the man himself, even if his wife wasn't being serious. But that's Mou for you lol. He'll always do it since that's just the persona he has going.


New member
Beats Arsenal while parking the bus "The result is what matters!", gets beaten by Arsenal who play a bit more defensively than usual "Attractive football is what matters!". And he just repeats himself over and over again like when Stoke beat him or when PSG beat him etc.

Yeah, that's so funny...
Not to mention that he can't take a joke or a bit of banter and immediately goes on to defend himself like that comment about Benitez.
Jurgen Klopp, now that's a man with charisma who doesn't need to hit below the belt to be "funny".


Senior Member
Beats Arsenal while parking the bus "The result is what matters!", gets beaten by Arsenal who play a bit more defensively than usual "Attractive football is what matters!". And he just repeats himself over and over again like when Stoke beat him or when PSG beat him etc.

Yeah, that's so funny...
Not to mention that he can't take a joke or a bit of banter and immediately goes on to defend himself like that comment about Benitez.
Jurgen Klopp, now that's a man with charisma who doesn't need to hit below the belt to be "funny".

Whatever he says, funny or otherwise, is never to be taken seriously. He is just a full-time troll. I would say laugh or ignore.


Whatever he says, funny or otherwise, is never to be taken seriously. He is just a full-time troll. I would say laugh or ignore.

Oh, Andres Frisk would definitely disagree with that part.

But yeah, everything Mourinho says is "harmless fun" and soooooooooo funny!


Senior Member
Oh, Andres Frisk would definitely disagree with that part.

But yeah, everything Mourinho says is "harmless fun" and soooooooooo funny!

I didnt say that everything Mourinho says is funny, far from it. Im just saying the only sensible way to deal with a troll like him is to ignore him/laugh. Laugh when you think its fun, ignore when its not. In the Anders Frisk case, ignore, as it wasnt funny at all. But he wasnt the one to give the man death threats, its not his fault.
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I didnt say that everything Mourinho says is funny, far from it. Im just saying the only sensible way to deal with a troll like him is to ignore him/laugh. Laugh when you think its fun, ignore when its not.

Agree about the ignore part, not the laugh part.

In the Anders Frisk case, ignore, as it wasnt funny at all. But he wasnt the one to give the man death threats, its not his fault.

Are you serious? How many times referees make mistakes and then receive death threats? Mourinho whined so much in the media about that incident that riled up some fans into believing in this big fat conspiracy against Chelsea to the point of sending death threats toward Frisk. And that incident wasn't even that crystal clear of a mistake as Mourinho made it out to be.

El Gato

Almost everything he says in the post-match conferences is funny as hell. He's a walking PR stunt. There would be no Chelsea if it wasn't for him, whether it's a bad or good thing.

Not to say he doesn't have kindergarden moments, which probably shouldn't have happened (Tito), but otherwise the man is a pure heel that you love to hate. Simeone has that similar vibe sans kindergarden stuff. Great to have them in football.


Senior Member
Almost everything he says in the post-match conferences is funny as hell. He's a walking PR stunt. There would be no Chelsea if it wasn't for him, whether it's a bad or good thing.

Not to say he doesn't have kindergarden moments, which probably shouldn't have happened (Tito), but otherwise the man is a pure heel that you love to hate. Simeone has that similar vibe sans kindergarden stuff. Great to have them in football.

Simeone is a hot-head, true. But he can take a defeat after he has time to cool down, Mourinho cant. A big difference. Simeone seems quite different from Mourinho off the pitch, actually, and no wild conspiracies and outbursts whenever he loses.


Senior Member
Agree about the ignore part, not the laugh part.

Are you serious? How many times referees make mistakes and then receive death threats? Mourinho whined so much in the media about that incident that riled up some fans into believing in this big fat conspiracy against Chelsea to the point of sending death threats toward Frisk. And that incident wasn't even that crystal clear of a mistake as Mourinho made it out to be.

Some fans are morons, shame it happened, but Mourinho cant be blamed for a couple of english holligans. Whatever he might be, Mourinho wouldnt want someone dead over a game of football.


I think you're insulting Simeone by comparing him to Mourinho. they're not even close tbh. The only similarity they have is that they play defensive football.

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