Ousmane Dembélé


How about we get players who actually make a difference than players who are 'dangerous' without much substance.

Unpredictability is one thing, but actually weaponizing it is another. Adama has been thrown on in so many games and looked a real threat, but in reality accounted for close to 0 usefulness for either club or country.

This is the answer right here.


Dembele is not going to agree to a transfer this window to anywhere. He's going to get a massive signing bonus if he leaves for free so it doesn't make sense for him to go anywhere and miss out on all that money.


Senior Member
No need for Adama. We have Abde for that dribbler spot. Only difference is that Adama has proven he has no substance.

And yes I really that it is likely that Abde ends an inferior player.

We need G+A widemen. Liverpool showed what to get in Mane and Salah. It aint easy, but proof of productivity is where it is at.


President of FC Barcelona
Dembele is not going to agree to a transfer this window to anywhere. He's going to get a massive signing bonus if he leaves for free so it doesn't make sense for him to go anywhere and miss out on all that money.

Barca can let him go for free or a symbolic fee and let him get that massive signing bonus right now.

Obviously depends on what they do. If their plan is to send him to the stands for the rest of the season they should just pull the trigger now and get rid of him if it benefits us, even if it is for free.


Barca can let him go for free or a symbolic fee and let him get that massive signing bonus right now.

Obviously depends on what they do. If their plan is to send him to the stands for the rest of the season they should just pull the trigger now and get rid of him if it benefits us, even if it is for free.

yeah, the sooner he goes the better really.


Senior Member
I don't want us to sign him, but I won't lie......having him as a depth piece for a low fee and reasonable salary does sound a bit enticing.

He would be really entertaining to watch, but also frustrate the hell out of us.

Rather bet on another talent in that mould tbh.

He is a shittier version than Dembele. Dembele can at least fluke his way to 8 goals or so a season, Adama is almost completely useless.


Senior Member
No need for Adama. We have Abde for that dribbler spot. Only difference is that Adama has proven he has no substance.

And yes I really that it is likely that Abde ends an inferior player.

We need G+A widemen. Liverpool showed what to get in Mane and Salah. It aint easy, but proof of productivity is where it is at.

No, we need at least 2 exquisite dribblers.
Abde is one, Dembele is leaving, and no one else can dribble well from the rest...
We need depth as well.
A front-line of Ansu, Ferran, Adama, Depay, Abde + possibly Haaland (fingers crossed) after the summer,
is great depth up-front, and injury-proof

Comparison with Liverpool is failed.
They play totally different football, and their wide-forwards do not hug the touchline but come centrally all the time.


Well-known member
Adama would confuse BBZ too much. Alpha physique and could probably break Puig into two with bare hands, but zero football IQ.

10 goals 18 assists in 152 games for Wolves. Great dribbler but no end product whatsoever.
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That few goals and assists playing for a side that’s set up to get the best out of him is really bad. No chance should he be anywhere close to this club again.


Senior Member
The US ESPN reporter absolutely destroyed him in the Granada match commentary. Kept going on about how he has all the talent in the world but even that is not enough to fix a low footballing IQ. Basically called him an idiot.


Senior Member
The biggest joke is to consider him very talented. Based on what metric? Talent is starting to be one of those wishy-washy concepts that people throw around to clang their delusional hopes to regarding players.

Dembele's talent is fugazi. It's a whazy. It's a woozie. It's fairy dust. It doesn't exist. It's never landed. It is no matter. It's not on the elemental chart. It's not fucking real.

He was promising when we signed him, and failed to meet even half that promise. A flop.
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Senior Member
The biggest joke is to consider him very talented. Based on what metric? Talent is starting to be one of those wishy-washy concepts that people throw around to clang their delusional hopes to regarding players.

Dembele's talent is fugazi. It's a whazy. It's a woozie. It's fairy dust. It doesn't exist. It's never landed. It is no matter. It's not on the elemental chart. It's not fucking real.

He was promising when we signed him, and failed to meet even half that promise. A flop.

Exactly, how can people say he's talented and claim he's got no football IQ in the same sentence? Football IQ IS football talent. Tired of this segregation of attributes.

Dembele is physically gifted, yes. But in things related to football, he's not that talented at all. He doesn't know what to do on a pitch nor is his technique something to laud at.


Well-known member
I mean you simply don't get to play for Rennes, Dortmund, Barca, France if you have no football talent. That's just not possible.

Has he failed for us? Yes. Has he shown anything worth 130M? Absolutely not. But let's not pretend the guy can't play football or something. Just not good enough for Barca, or other elite clubs for that matter."Physically gifted" is as much of talent as is "football IQ", lot's of players made careers out of that and so did Dembele.
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Senior Member
I mean you simply don't get to play for Rennes, Dortmund, Barca, France if you have no football talent. That's just not possible.

Has he failed for us? Yes. Has he shown anything worth 130M? Absolutely not. But let's not pretend the guy can't play football or something. Just not good enough for Barca, or other elite clubs for that matter."Physically gifted" is as much of talent as is "football IQ", lot's of players made careers out of that and so did Dembele.

Rennes? Oh, yea, he has enough talent for Rennes, and as a bench player for Barca and France.

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