Matthijs de Ligt


Senior Member
Where did this 10+6m figure and it is net for De Jong come from? According to the wage figures that I have seen from and I think those numbers are quite believable, Busquets is making about 19m gross and Pique is at 17.5m gross, and now De Jong is going to make 19m gross? I refuse to believe it.

Plus, Catalan media claimed that we offered the same terms we gave to De Jong to De Ligt and he balked at it. If De Jong is at 10m net, that is essentially the same offer PSG gave to De Ligt. So we offered De Ligt 19m gross too? So where does the disconnect come from?

How much does football leaks say Busquets and Pique makes a year net? isn't very reliable as they never mention the source from where they get their figures from. There is no reliable data available for Pique's or Busquet's salaries and I'm getting De Jong's wage figures from SPORT, L'Equipe and De Telegraaph.


Let's assume your wage estimations regarding Pique and Busquets are correct. Even then it wouldn't come as too much of a surprise that De Jong is out earning the aforementioned two as we had no trouble handing an unproven Dembele 22m gross. Our wage structure is completely broken, daft of you to assume we have a logical salary structure in place.

I'll add that the Catalan media are mostly comprised of rags that will peddle all sorts of bollocks to glorify the board.
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Senior Member
Problem is that fat rat (Raiola) is basically auctioning him. This has nothing to do with playing time or sporting project or manager in charge. For Raiola there is only one criterion and that's money. If Raiola is the one making the decision he won't come here if we give him 1 penny less than PSG. Unfortunately I see things simple as that. For a 19y old kid, who is at the beginning of his career should be irrelevant whether he earns 10 or 12 mil. The more I read about this every day the more I don't like this entire story. He should have made his decision by now.

I simply can't understand how some players don't rate anything other than money. To be fair I wouldn't want to have any Raiola client in my team except De Ligt because they all care only about the money and basically none of them fulfilled their potential. I still hope there is a chance De Ligt has a brain and won't end up like Pogba or Verratti.

To people saying that money is the only thing that matters I would say just look at Neymar and try to conclude was he happier in Barca or PSG? He is not the only example of going for more and getting less.
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New member
For a 19 year old? Football has gone mad. We need to have principles here and not join the circus.

Plenty of great centre backs around but not that many generational midfielders like De Jong.

Hahahah! De Ligt is a bigger talent than De Jong.

"We need to have principles here and not join the circus"... dafuq are you smoking? Cough... Coutinho... cough... Dembele... Hell we even got a 31 year old trashcan like Mathieu for 20+ million.


New member
Fair enough but then why do you constantly talk about bringing back Neymar?

Thats like maximum circus levels right there.

Maximum circus levels, haha nice one!

Yeah the amount of bullshit on here is insane.
Most on here have no idea how football works, and have a very selective memory and interpretation of 'news' and developments.

Everyone calling Raiola a fat rat is a funny person.
This dude is regarded as one of the best player managers out there, by the players.
So yeah, he is a harsh negotiating partner for every club since he is that good.
He is a PLAYER MANAGER after all, otherwise we'd call him a technical director or something...

What do people on this forum know? It always amazes me how short sighted people are and how they can not see anything in perspective.
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Senior Member
Hahahah! De Ligt is a bigger talent than De Jong.

"We need to have principles here and not join the circus"... dafuq are you smoking? Cough... Coutinho... cough... Dembele... Hell we even got a 31 year old trashcan like Mathieu for 20+ million.

I get that you like De Ligt so do I but what makes you saying that he is a bigger talent than De Jong? How do you even compare them? One is CM/DM while the other is CB. Also talent is just ONE variable and I would say not the decisive one. Just look at Dembele.


New member
I get that you like De Ligt so do I but what makes you saying that he is a bigger talent than De Jong? How do you even compare them? One is CM/DM while the other is CB. Also talent is just ONE variable and I would say not the decisive one. Just look at Dembele.

Well, basically you predict their maximum skill level. Obviously a prediction.
De Jong has a more rare skillset though, and is less easily replaced.

Lets simplify it; I CAN'T see De Jong becoming a new top 3 midfielder like Xavi or Iniesta have been in the past. I CAN see De Ligt growing into a Maldini kind of status as being one of the best and most influential centre backs ever.

Obviously, like I said, it's a prediction and speculative and a lot can happen in the future. But still, the statement above is what most football brains agree on.
And by football brains I mean everyone who has seen him play a whole season and who can be taken seriously; Dutch football journalist for example, or some English Skysports pundits I've seen adress the topic.

That last sentence excludes 99,99% of this forum :)


New member
Breaking news... I'm back again. Mino is in Paris to close the deal with PSG. This is not the same scenario as Frenkie de Jong. Barca can still hjiack this deal... (Dutch media)


Well-known member
Unpopular opinion; I dont see de ligt even reaching Van Dijk levels. Let alone Maldini etc

Talk to any knowledgeable Dutch fans ... they’ll say VVD wasn’t a patch on De Ligt when he was 19 !!

Remember it’s only about 3 years ago when VVD was slumming it with Southampton !!


New member
Van Dijk is a late bloomer.
Van Dijk on 19 years was nowhere near as good as De Ligt

De Ligt is a special gem, he will reach Van Dijks level within 2 years (If he can stay free from injuries).
Problem with De Ligt is, that he still makes silly errors sometimes.

Don't know if it's his age. Or maybe he can't focus for 90 min long. Maybe it has been a long season for him. Don't know. He was REALLY consistent this season.

Until like 2 months ago;
1 mistake against Juve, 1 against Tottenham, 1 against Engeland and Portugal. Won't affect his transfer. But ya, he's still a prospect. And far from the final product.
But if nothing bad happen. He will be better than V Dijk, within a few years.

Time will tell.
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Well-known member
Van Dijk is a late bloomer.
Van Dijk on 19 years was nowhere near as good as De Ligt

De Ligt is a special gem, he will reach Van Dijks level within 2 years (If he can stay free from injuries).
Problem with De Ligt is, that he still makes silly errors sometimes.

Don't know if it's his age. Or maybe he can't focus for 90 min long. Maybe it has been a long season for him. Don't know. He was REALLY consistent this season.

Until like 2 months ago;
1 mistake against Juve, 1 against Tottenham, 1 against Engeland and Portugal. Won't affect his transfer. But ya, he's still a prospect. And far from the final product.
But if nothing bad happen. He will be better than V Dijk, within a few years.

Time will tell.
Again the Dutch I’ve chatted with ( online ) all say De Ligt will indeed be better than VVD

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