Marc Bartra


World Champion
I thought he was very bad to be honest. Like Mascherano he steps out and attacks everything. 100 % sure Busquets had a go at him at one point. Neither did I understand his positioning at all for their goal. He was on the right wing high up the pitch and trotting back. Didn't read the situation properly and recover from his positional mistake either. He just trotted back.

Don't get the praise here at all. Don't be surprised if Puyol-Mascherano play on Wednesday.


The Culest
I thought he was very bad to be honest. Like Mascherano he steps out and attacks everything. 100 % sure Busquets had a go at him at one point. Neither did I understand his positioning at all for their goal. He was on the right wing high up the pitch and trotting back. Didn't read the situation properly and recover from his positional mistake either. He just trotted back.

Don't get the praise here at all. Don't be surprised if Puyol-Mascherano play on Wednesday.

Thats cause they are so used to shitty defending that any half decent defending seems godly


I thought he was very bad to be honest. Like Mascherano he steps out and attacks everything. 100 % sure Busquets had a go at him at one point. Neither did I understand his positioning at all for their goal. He was on the right wing high up the pitch and trotting back. Didn't read the situation properly and recover from his positional mistake either. He just trotted back.

Don't get the praise here at all. Don't be surprised if Puyol-Mascherano play on Wednesday.

+1. If he's gonna be such a softie in defending he better kiss pro football goodbye. Terrible defending by him in Betis goal. Kindergarten material.


Momo un Bello Uomo
I thought he was very bad to be honest. Like Mascherano he steps out and attacks everything. 100 % sure Busquets had a go at him at one point. Neither did I understand his positioning at all for their goal. He was on the right wing high up the pitch and trotting back. Didn't read the situation properly and recover from his positional mistake either. He just trotted back.

Don't get the praise here at all. Don't be surprised if Puyol-Mascherano play on Wednesday.

I think we're being too harsh on him in my opinion, because i barely missed Pique today due to his solid performance. What you have to understand is the way we play provoakes so many movements from players as they try to cover eachother constantly and play a fluid game, I can never blame a defender in our team for dropping to the right due to alves bombing forward. Whenever that happens Sergio B. usally drops in the CB position which means we are not missing someone, there's always gonna be that occasional attack that slips by and we conceed but it'd be unfair to put all blame on him.

As for center backs stepping out and dribbling with the ball it seems a part of Martino's tactics which Tito or Pep would never allow, it's harmless so far and sometimes it gets attacks started which is a positive. Also they occasional come out so high up the pitch and stiffle our opponent's target man when recieving which is quite effective also.

In short i believe Bartra held up his own today and should continue improving..
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I thought he was very bad to be honest. Like Mascherano he steps out and attacks everything. 100 % sure Busquets had a go at him at one point. Neither did I understand his positioning at all for their goal. He was on the right wing high up the pitch and trotting back. Didn't read the situation properly and recover from his positional mistake either. He just trotted back.

Don't get the praise here at all. Don't be surprised if Puyol-Mascherano play on Wednesday.

Ya, he was shit like most days


You guys are harsh on him.He had a pretty decent game and didn't miss a header.He was no more responsible for the goal than the other defenders especially Dani who wasn't even there..

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