Lionel Messi - v7


Senior Member
He would still score 20+ goals and have 40+ goals and assists.
If it was 2015 he would break their goals in a season record easily.

His numbers will drop if we change the system and don't cater to him that much. I don't know how much they would drop, but a decline in numbers would be visible imo.


La Masia
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Confirmed: Lionel Messi has missed the first training session under Ronald Koeman at Barcelona.<br><br>[<a href="">@Benayadachraf</a>]</p>— Man City Xtra (@City_Xtra) <a href="">August 31, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Senior Member
Yet, he's still coming of a G25 A21 season, and the best midfielder in the world right now would be feeding him through balls. He could focus solely on the goal scoring, not that he would, cause he'd still destroy opponents with assists too. Not to mention finally playing again in an actual system, and not just any, but a Pep system would do wonders for him.

The notion of him focusing on scoring goals is absurd. Just like when people here wanted him to stay upfront. Its not his game anymore.


Senior Member
Yet, he's still coming of a G25 A21 season, and the best midfielder in the world right now would be feeding him through balls. He could focus solely on the goal scoring, not that he would, cause he'd still destroy opponents with assists too. Not to mention finally playing again in an actual system, and not just any, but a Pep system would do wonders for him.

It depends. the current Messi doesn't offer much movement to get on the end of through balls, its more likely he drops deep and gets in the way of KdB. He'll have to run alot more at City under Pep and be tactically disciplined, paying those amount of wages for a player to join and essentially put you down to 10 men when you don't have the ball will destroy their balance. if he doesn't up his workrate he'll be crucified by the media here


New member
Guys stop dreaming about Bernardo Silva. He is basically favorite Guardiola's player. He already said couple of times that he likes him because he is amazing character. Even when he isn't playing, he never shows that he is sad or anything.


Active member
Cr7: 5
Messi: 3

CL KO matches

CL KO away matches

Cr7: 1
Messi: 0

NT KO matches
CR7: 3 goals
Messi: 0 in whole career

La Liga:
Messi Goat
Free kicks:
Messi Goat

Fc Messi fans can count Spanish supercopa, Cdr and similar trophies.

The harsh truth is that the biggest trophies in the world are:
World cup
CL/Euros/Copa America

On the biggest stage it's 6:3 for CR7 with enormously better individual/clutch performances in the biggest matches.

My theory is: Messi's weak mental strength, espcially after 2012.
He can win only when the conditions are perfect.
One unlucky goal, one mistake, one ref's bad decision and the tie is over.
He is done at 0:1.

Once again, when Rakitic played for Croatia at a World cup 2018, he told to his NT coach Dalic: "All we need is to score for 1:0. When Messi concedes in KO matches, he puts his head down, starts to stare in empty space and touches his chin repeatedly.
If he starts to do that, more or less, the tie is over."

The same happened at all NT matches against Germany, CL away matches against Atletico 0:1, 0:2, Psg 0:4, Juve 0:3, Roma 0:3, Liverpool 0:4, Bayern 2:8.

But let's pretend that always his poor teammates are guilty.

What's with the nt knock out goals thing? Messi has knockout goals in the copa America


Senior Member
Would not trust City/Messi to negoatiate a price.

If Barca come out and ask for 100m they will use that as value if goes to court and virtually makes the signing imminent as not much for City to loses

Barca will keep asking for 700m as to not weaken their argument should it end up in court.

City on other hand want him for free and hoping pressure of no court case forces Barcas hand.

Would not trust Messi/City for a second when declare they want to sit down and work out a transfer fee.

This will end in court unless Barca bsck out due to reputation which would be awful for club and future.

te amo barca

Blaugrana al vent
Guys stop dreaming about Bernardo Silva. He is basically favorite Guardiola's player. He already said couple of times that he likes him because he is amazing character. Even when he isn't playing, he never shows that he is sad or anything.

There were rumors that Bernardo is unhappy because he didn't really play a lot this season. Benched against Madrid and Lyon too. Could definitely see him wanting to join us.

te amo barca

Blaugrana al vent
And play where, exactly?

Yeah, his best position is RM and we already have Dembele and Trincao there. Looked decent at RW in Pep's 4-3-3 but his lack of pace is evident. Did not look as good while playing as one of the interiors in midfield. He is hard to accomodate just like Messi. Doesn't mean our board won't go for him if given a chance to sign a world-class player :lol: I would rather swap Messi for Garcia and Cancelo tbh.

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