Then that is poor decision making. Neymar is not some magic fix all. We had a better (prime) version of him in 16/17 and he did fuck all except win us a game v bottlers. The declining MSN got shut out by Juve.
Messi for sure is pretty limited as a thinker, however he is not the one who spent 400m on 3 duds. Hell I don't think he endorsed any of the 3 that much. Anyway, just think how much we could've done with that kind of money and without giving mutli year contracts to the likes of Busquets or Alba.
Imo, this decision of his is not because we don't have neymar or that the amigos are being targeted, in fact from the so called amigos only Messi looks to leave, which is quite ironic.

if Bartomeu would've used the funds to buy better and create a solid and wining team, I would bet my left nut that Messi would have no problem with the likes of Busquets, Alba, Pique being told to do one. Instead from the last 5 years of transfers only Umtiti, for one year, and Lenglet have been decent buys. Anything else was a disaster.
No matter how much he wanted the amigos to play, the fact that, from a quality standpoint, not one player the board bought even had the quality to overthrow the amigos is the main reason these over the hill players gained such power. The board fostered this culture by throwing money out the window.