Lionel Messi - v7


Well-known member
Yo this just came to me, check it out!

Now that he's staying and he called Barto out as a liar, Leo could go the media and throw a lie detector challenge.

It's a case of he said / she said, so they could do a Live Test where they're both asked if Barto had given Leo, before June 10th, and on several occasions, his assurance that he'd be allowed to leave freely and unfettered, without any restrictions from the Club.

either that or a dance off

Gawd I'm so Brilliant!!!


New member
Enrique, despite being tactically questionable was a master motivator. Something that Valverde and Setien weren't.

No he's not 😆 he just lucky to have prime MSN. Barca was shit before Messi takes over as the mini dictator, then all turn into a better season. He is Valverde with luck and better players.


Senior Member
There are no messages of support for Lionel Messi from his teammates. This has surprised and hurt Leo Messi as per



Messi acts as if he is still the best player in the world and that everyone will follow his orders.

Messi, you are 33 and heavily declining for years.

Come back to Earth, shut up and play football.

Maybe teammates know more than us.
Maybe they are also tired of Fc Messi, Messipendencia and his amigos.
Maybe they think that he is not that good anymore and that it is not worth building everything around him and risking their careers at Barca with supporting Messi currently.


Senior Member
Messi acts as if he is still the best player in the world and that everyone will follow his orders.

Messi, you are 33 and heavily declining for years.

Come back to Earth, shut up and play football.

Maybe teammates know more than us.
Maybe they are also tired of Fc Messi, Messipendencia and his amigos.
Maybe they think that he is not that good anymore and that it is not worth building everything around him and risking their careers at Barca with supporting Messi currently.


how are they gonna stand up for a guy who literally won't even stand up and lead them

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New member
Messi acts as if he is still the best player in the world and that everyone will follow his orders.

Messi, you are 33 and heavily declining for years.

Come back to Earth, shut up and play football.

Maybe teammates know more than us.
Maybe they are also tired of Fc Messi, Messipendencia and his amigos.
Maybe they think that he is not that good anymore and that it is not worth building everything around him and risking their careers at Barca with supporting Messi currently.

Maybe they are also pissed that Messi fairly recently called the team not good enough (I believe) and now talks about there being big problems in the team that are not being fixed as well as there being no sporting project. Basically saying his teammates arent good enough while not practicing any self criticism.


Well-known member
Messi acts as if he is still the best player in the world and that everyone will follow his orders.
wanna get pizza? What orders? Lunasea

Messi, you are 33 and heavily declining for years.
yeah yeah stick a fork in him, he done like a Pekin Duck. Previous season winner of those crappy Laureus Award and B d'Or and just broke Xavi's assist record but but but the poor lil schoolboy sulks :-( awwwwww let's buy him a goldfish so they can practice sulking together in their individual prisons

Come back to Earth,
dunno, I kinda like it up here :alien:
and play football

Bz u funny. When he was silent, everyone wanted him to talk. When he talks and outs Ratface, ur not happy. Dude just can't catch a break

Maybe teammates know more than us.
Maybe they are also tired of Fc Messi, Messipendencia and his amigos.
Maybe they think that he is not that good anymore and that it is not worth building everything around him and risking their careers at Barca with supporting Messi currently.

Yeaaaahhhh or maybe they got a just a lil' bit butthurt after Leo basically called them a bunch of pansie ass good for nothing Ls in an interview that's been aired and translated worldwide and almost broke Twitter.
Also, there wouldn't be any Messidependencia if the other players had the ballzzz to take some risks. Ballsiest players in the team along with Leo are the youngsters. It's like all the vets got euthanized. Can't wait for the Memphis show so that we finally get more channels of shack-attack :rap:

He's been asking to leave for a whole year dude!!! We're the ones holding him hostage. Why u clowning him like that?

Free the Willy FFS!!!


Senior Member
Could be either three things.

1. The report is likely false but one of AS Barca based journalists did say the same thing a couple of days earlier.

2. The team doesn't want to take sides.

3. The team didn't like how Messi handled things and there could be stuff in the Lockerroom we don't know about that could have played a role in why they are silent.

I was actually surprised Pique of all people kept his mouth shut.I was expecitng him to say something in all this in support for Messi.

Could be point 1 (we live in the era of fake news so nothing would surprise me) but realistically it's mainly point 2 imo.

As I've said before how do you think Pique (or any other player) could publicly support Messi without also at the same time going against the club that still pays his wages? Badmouthing Bartomeu (as hated as he is and as right as Messi might be in most people opinions) is at the same time also criticising the club as long as Bartomeu is the president.

Sure, Pique did that famous "se queda" thing with Neymar but it was a different situation. Nobody could expect PSG would actually pay his release clause (which at that point was 200% higher than actual world record transfer fee). With Messi there was a talk of him potentially leaving for free.

You can't expect players to publicly take sides in this whole drama so it was better for them to stay silent. Well, except Suarez and Vidal who both knew they're on their way out and doing what they did didn't actually help their chances to stay like they maybe thought. If anything I think it made the club's decision to get rid of them even more firm.

I do believe some players were/are also disappointed with how Messi handled things (like some fans are) but in time they'll "forget" this. They're professionals and paid to do their job and not worry about other players feelings.


Senior Member
the thing that puzzles and disbelief me is the way he requested to leave the club.
Messi is a brand, a corporation, a multimedia empire, a money machine with top professionals lawyers, top professionals advisors, top professionals economists,
but his request for leaving the club was made in a totally amateurish, absolutely non-professional way.... reason: he believed and trust a promise made in words by his president. :thinking::ohmy:???? How can one be so naive ? welcome to the real world ! We are talking about business, there are no friends when there are millions at stake, there are no promises made like the boy scouts


La Masia
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Messi will listen to the new president in 2021 to decide if he continues at Barcelona. He'll also assess the offers he receives from other clubs. But perhaps a new, convincing project at Bar?a could make him end his career in Blaugrana colours. [sport] <a href=""></a></p>— barcacentre (@barcacentre) <a href="">September 6, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Senior Member
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Messi will listen to the new president in 2021 to decide if he continues at Barcelona. He'll also assess the offers he receives from other clubs. But perhaps a new, convincing project at Bar?a could make him end his career in Blaugrana colours. [sport] <a href=""></a></p>— barcacentre (@barcacentre) <a href="">September 6, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

What new and convincing sporting project?

The new board is going to have a shit load of debt and have no money to improve our squad next season. The squad will be one year older, and our defense will still be as shit as ever. Besides, there are no guarantees the new board will be any good. And it won't take much to piss Messi off this season.


Well-known member
What new and convincing sporting project?

The new board is going to have a shit load of debt and have no money to improve our squad next season. The squad will be one year older, and our defense will still be as shit as ever. Besides, there are no guarantees the new board will be any good. And it won't take much to piss Messi off this season.

Exactly. Our future looks pretty bad for the moment. Too many huge signings gone totally wrong. Dembele/Griez and Coutinho are hurting us a lot.


Senior Member
Training is going to be interested. If Messi starts sulking in training, Koeman might start arguing with him. I've heard Koeman takes no shit from anyone.

Also, I can't see his teammates being happy that he basically said they've been the problem in the last 3 years. He basically called them shit. And I haven't seen much support from his current teammates about him wanting away from the club. I think it's about be tense in the training sessions.

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