Kylian Mbappé


Senior Member
He's making a mistake, chances of winning the CL or the Ballon d'Or are much bigger with Madrid.

2 generational talents are not choosing Madrid nor Barca...

The money is getting too big in the sport where the much, much bigger contract offsets the glory/potential sponsorship money from winning trophies like the CL. Institutional clubs like RM, Barca, Bayern, might have big problems in the future if they don't get bought out. RM is succeeding so much because their sporting decisions have been near perfect and they have Papa Perez who is much smarter than Bartomeu and Laporta.


You're welcome
No one knows if Mbappe is making a mistake at this point. With a good coach they could be winning CL very soon.


New member
He's making a mistake, chances of winning the CL or the Ballon d'Or are much bigger with Madrid.

2 generational talents are not choosing Madrid nor Barca...

Real Madrid and Bar?a shouldn't be entitled.

Mbapp? can't beat Ballon d'Or Benzema, so he is waiting for the latter to retire to be the top dog at Madrid in the future.
No legs Neymar and Messi are no threat.


Senior Member
So, La Liga will sue PSG over FFP now, apparently.

Nothing will come of it, so its a waste of time anyway, this will just come of as dumb and petty.

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