Ernesto Valverde


Improvin' Perfection!!
The 2 Argentine managers: Mauricio Pochettino & Marcelo Gallardo are ours for the taking as Leo Messi voted for and are also available; but we still have this shit hole 'managing' us


Senior Member
For the first time I. 30 years as a fan I am not watching the league matches. Nowadays I don't even check the highlights.

This board, manager and seniors have destroyed the club.

This cocksucker should be lynched. He is not even good enough to manage Leganes.

As for me i still watch our matches but i have started to follow epl as well.

Our matches are the worst i tell you


Well-known member
Look at the upcoming fixtures:

- dortmund (h)
- atletico (a)
- mallorca (h)
- inter (a)
- sociedad (a)
- madrid (h)

With our current play we should struggle in all these matches bar the Mallorca one.
It should be possible for him to get fired during this time since there is no way we will end up succesfull.
Im just afraid it would take something severe like cl failing or b2b losses with a manita vs Madrid to make it actually happen.

I dont know gallardo at all but greatly prefer him over valverde, anyone with a pulse does better.


New member
We should do anything to get Ten Haag. Nagelsmann is a great coach too. I don't think we will go for those two though even though Ten Haag could be fantastic for us. Out of the those names mentioned, I would like Gallardo over any other. Could be the next big thing in coaching.

Just no Koeman or Roberto Martinez.....


Well-known member
Look at the upcoming fixtures:

- dortmund (h)
- atletico (a)
- mallorca (h)
- inter (a)
- sociedad (a)
- madrid (h)

With our current play we should struggle in all these matches bar the Mallorca one.
It should be possible for him to get fired during this time since there is no way we will end up succesfull.
Im just afraid it would take something severe like cl failing or b2b losses with a manita vs Madrid to make it actually happen.

I dont know gallardo at all but greatly prefer him over valverde, anyone with a pulse does better.

Dortmund is horrendous as well right now so it shouldn't be that hard to beat them at home, that would then mean surviving CL group stage is locked up and therefore the Inter game won't matter.

Even if we fall behind a bit la liga i don't see them sacking Valverde for that. Only scenario where he get's fired would probably be failing in CL AND getting beat back to back in la liga and being down like 6+ points compared to Real but i don't really see that happening.

Se queda :valverde2:
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Well-known member
Ten Haag please. I don't want anyone else. Also give him option to get rid of any player he wants.. We need to shake this roster.
Will never happen. You are talking about a board that picked Boateng based on a goal he scored against us while with las palmas.
This isnt laporta selecting Rijkaard stuff.

For this board the trainer needs to speak Spanish and/or have a Barca past. Ten Hag has neither so isnt even on the radar.
So you get to Koeman and Martinez who are cut from the same cloth as Valverde with conservative boring styles.

I respect the man greatly but the worst case scenario for me is Koeman becoming our next trainer after the Euro’s and being stuckwith Valverde till then.
We would need a total overhaul in 2021 and would have truly ruined Messi’s last year at this club and looking at a Manchester United type few years to even get back to a decent level and play.
At which point it will have been a decade since msn and since have watched Barca produce anything resembling beautiful football.

So lets hope Valverde gets fired very soon.

Marshall D Teach

Active member
Look at the upcoming fixtures:

- dortmund (h)
- atletico (a)
- mallorca (h)
- inter (a)
- sociedad (a)
- madrid (h)

With our current play we should struggle in all these matches bar the Mallorca one.
It should be possible for him to get fired during this time since there is no way we will end up succesfull.
Im just afraid it would take something severe like cl failing or b2b losses with a manita vs Madrid to make it actually happen.

I dont know gallardo at all but greatly prefer him over valverde, anyone with a pulse does better.

Very generous of you to imply you need a pulse to do better than valverde.

A traffic cone would do better.


Senior Member


You're better than this mate. Falling for and propagating Madrid media rubbish hit pieces about the club is out of order. I think you very well know AS has not got a single clue what is happening inside our dressing room at HT and you would not be sharing it if it wasn't for your deep seated hatred of Valverde.

You can hate Valverde all you want, there many reasons not to like him, but don't stoop as low as to spreading fake news from rag papers for nothing more than cheap reactions and agenda pushing.


Senior Member

You're better than this mate. Falling for and propagating Madrid media rubbish hit pieces about the club is out of order. I think you very well know AS has not got a single clue what is happening inside our dressing room at HT and you would not be sharing it if it wasn't for your deep seated hatred of Valverde.

You can hate Valverde all you want, there many reasons not to like him, but don't stoop as low as to spreading fake news from rag papers for nothing more than cheap reactions and agenda pushing.

The guy who wrote the article is also a Cat Radio/TV3 Collaborator and he isn't some fucking Madrid Based Journalist either. He's been around for a while now and just because he works for AS as well doesn't always mean he's spreading false info.

Moises Llorens worked for AS for years Before moving to ESPN this summer and he was considered one of the most reliable Barcelona based Journalists as well.

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