Ernesto Valverde - V1


Senior Member
I refuse to believe this board can confirm this cretin if we win copa, can't be the game changer a fucking copa final against Valencia.
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Well-known member
I refuse to believe this board to confirm this cretin if we win copa, can't be the game changer a fucking copa final against Valencia.

At this point I don't think anyone cares about Copa. Players shouldn't be celebrating it at least. They fucked up AGAIn


Well-known member
I remember writing a post on the Coutinho thread after his first few games for us, being very positive:

Not to be a braggy douchebag, but I don't think I've ever been so right in my life. When he first started here, he was playing on the forefoot, always taking reponsibility and initiative, making brave passes, protecting the ball well and inspiring his teammates. It's now clear that that was not an inherent quality of Coutinho but a mentality that had been instilled by the coach he had been playing under. The contrast to his current form is an extraordinarily clear effect of playing under a coach that doesn't push you, doesn't make you run the extra sprint and doesn't inspire you to perform anything beyond your comfort zone.

I really don't care about Coutinho and I'm not here to defend him. He could be sold for all I care. This is about the contrast between a coach that makes his team better and a coach that doesn't.

Very well said. This team is way too comfortable. Time to get rid of some players and buy new ones who want to win something. This team is disgrace now.


Senior Member
He will stay, we’ll win the double and Barto will calm most of the fans by announcing De Ligt. Another shitshow next season to ensue


Senior Member
Just... FUCK OFF ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!



Staff member
3rd time's the charm!

We were just unlucky. It was just one bad match in otherwise great football entire season.


New member
I think it would help if people calmed down here. He'll finish the season and most probably he will leave. Business and management, thank god, doesn't work like fans want it to.

Andrew M

New member
I will never wish for Barca to lose a game but I honestly don't give a damn about the Copa anymore. It means nothing.


Well-known member
I think it would help if people calmed down here. He'll finish the season and most probably he will leave. Business and management, thank god, doesn't work like fans want it to.

While you are right that "most probably" is scary so i understand people would rather have it announcement ASAP.

Just the thought of another season of Valverde football :(


Active member
I think we have to take the matter in our own hands just like December 2014 when we forced the elections. Start a #Valverdeout campaign on Twitter. Contact the admin of Barca fan pages on FB Insta etc and ask them to help spearhead the campaign alongside asking all members here to participate.

The anger is very high right now and if not now, angry sentiments will reduce and this won't work if we wait till the end of the season.

Owned by the fans? Let's put it to the test.
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