9 - Robert Lewandowski


Senior Member
Ronaldo played in 4 leagues out of which 1 is extremely physically taxing.

Messi played all his life in 1 league which is not physically taxing whatsoever.

The Bundesliga is way more physical and faster than the La Liga. Anyone who says otherwise is trolling. :lol:

Messi has more dribbles and tackles suffered in 2 seasons of his prime than Lewa in his whole career. Clueless as usual.


Senior Member
Messi has more dribbles and tackles suffered in 2 seasons of his prime than Lewa in his whole career. Clueless as usual.

Pretty much this. When Barca was considered top 1 team and was at an all time high , for around 4-5 years in La Liga every team gave 200% vs us , parked the airplane and were extremely physical especially against Messi.


Senior Member
RL9 will never be a Barca legend. You don't become a club legend in 2/3 years.

If RL9 is a success in Barca, he'll be a Cult Hero. Nothing more.

He's a Football Legend and a Bayern Legend and Dortmund Hero maybe.

He will absolutely be a Barca legend if he can lead us to the CL like how Ronaldinho did.


Well-known member
This cretin again trying to twist the points?:lol:

Bundesliga has way more physicality and intensity than La Liga.

Every league has challenges, fouls and tackles but the pace and intensity differs.

Also, Lewandowski has contested and won in more aerial duels recently than the midget did in his entire career. But apparently only grounded tackles can hurt players. This is not even taking into account how much strikers are manhandled during hold up play- "Battering Ram".

This dumbfuck just saw a couple of old Ramos kicks on Messi and started to assume that you can only get hurt while dribbling like Messi. :lol:

Not to mention, he's one of the most protected players by the La Liga refs.


Senior Member
First division and international games played by age 34 (approx):

CR7: 980 games
Messi: 960 games
Lewa: 830 games

So Lewa has played about 2 to 2.5 years less football at age 34 compared to Messi and CR7. Now, keep in mind Messi and CR7 also played in the two best leagues over the last two decades; and Messi on top of that played with butchers in South America for all those Copas and Qualifiers.

Lewa will not decline till he hits around 950-1000 games, which will be in 2 years. Laporta and co. prolly know this and that's why he was an excellent signing. We gonna get 120 goals over this and next 2 seasons from this guy before he declines.

Well research & valid point, all those games makes a very big difference.


Senior Member
This cretin again trying to twist the points?:lol:

Bundesliga has way more physicality and intensity than La Liga.

Every league has challenges, fouls and tackles but the pace and intensity differs.

Also, Lewandowski has contested and won in more aerial duels recently than the midget did in his entire career. But apparently only grounded tackles can hurt players. This is not even taking into account how much strikers are manhandled during hold up play- "Battering Ram".

This dumbfuck just saw a couple of old Ramos kicks on Messi and started to assume that you can only get hurt while dribbling like Messi.

Not to mention, he's one of the most protected players by the La Liga refs.

Your first response to valid counter-point is manic rage? :lol:

Best to leave you to your devices to take your dump in this thread and then waddle around in it screaming "RL9!!!" like the swine you are. Adios :lol:


Well-known member
"Valid counter point" which states that only grounded tackles while dribbling in tight spaces can hurt a player. :lol:

Completely ignoring that Centre Forwards are CONSTANTLY manhandled by muscular 6 ft plus Centre Backs all game all season.

So Valid. Slow Claps. :lol:


Well-known member
You won't.

After 2 seasons of RL9 mania, you'll buy Haaland and sell him.

RL9 will probably play in Italy after this.

Madrid will probably be looking for their Benz replacement at the same time though.

Could be an epic Madrid-Barca battle for Haaland in 2-3 years.

I'd like to see RL9 stay at Barca until he can't perform at the top in the european game and then go to MLS rather than join an Italian team between the two.


Well-known member
Madrid will probably be looking for their Benz replacement at the same time though.

Could be an epic Madrid-Barca battle for Haaland in 2-3 years.

I'd like to see RL9 stay at Barca until he can't perform at the top in the european game and then go to MLS rather than join an Italian team between the two.

He said in some interview that Del Piero and Henry were his idols and he wants to experience Italian Football in his career.

I'm honestly expecting a brief Italy stint pre MLS.

Any team you support in MLS??


Well-known member
He said in some interview that Del Piero and Henry were his idols and he wants to experience Italian Football in his career.

I'm honestly expecting a brief Italy stint pre MLS.

Any team you support in MLS??

I don't support any team but I probably prefer the two New York and LA teams if I had to choose favorites.


Active member
Ronaldo played in 4 leagues out of which 1 is extremely physically taxing.

Messi played all his life in 1 league which is not physically taxing whatsoever.

The Bundesliga is way more physical and faster than the La Liga. Anyone who says otherwise is trolling. :lol:

Again this stupid nonsense. In his prime, Messi absolutely teared up top english teams. People judge him now, at the end of his career. At least he is still playing in the UCL, unlike the ''king'', who was refused by even Sporting Lisbon. :lol:


Senior Member
Too many pages over an inexistent debate. Lewandowski is not even in a top 10 all time. While Messi is considered no 1 by many. And here we are talking about the whole football history, not only Barcelona's.


Well-known member
Too many pages over an inexistent debate. Lewandowski is not even in a top 10 all time. While Messi is considered no 1 by many. And here we are talking about the whole football history, not only Barcelona's.

Nobody is debating that. That's just a straw man that's easy to attack.

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