Gerard Piqué


Senior Member
He bought FC Andorra, which competes in the Primera Catalana which is basically the 5th tier of Spanish Football.

The highest the team ever got was Segunda III. Pique also Hired both Gabri and Jorquera to form the coaching staff down for the team as well.

And one of his first signings for FC Andorra was Tito's son and former Barça defender Adria Vilanova.


So stupid. Who would you have played if not Pique?

Well where do i start? For starters, i blame the board for finding backup for Umtiti but not for Pique.... Because now you had 3 left footed defenders..

But then again, considering Pique`s form at that point and way we were conceding goals, it wouldnt have been such a bad idea to a. Try two left footed defenders b. Try Chumi. But since it looks like senior players pick themselves and cannot get dropped, it seems the way forward too.. Murillo will probably only play if Pique decides he wants to rest and so on. Mind you, he is not as terrible now as back then but the leader of the backline which he is supposed to be, that he is not.


Senior Member
Pique: "We would be delighted if Valverde continues, he is doing magnificent job."
If this quote is true it p. much means that at this point him and probably few other veterans, who have made similar sentiments, don't give a flying fuck about the state of club, just their own self interest. If Pep or someone similar was here, they wold get get booted immdeiately and rightly so. Thank you very much for all you did in the past, but fuck off now pls.


Well-known member
How can someone who sees Valverde everyday be content with him? There must be a story behind!


New member
If this quote is true it p. much means that at this point him and probably few other veterans, who have made similar sentiments, don't give a flying fuck about the state of club, just their own self interest. If Pep or someone similar was here, they wold get get booted immdeiately and rightly so. Thank you very much for all you did in the past, but fuck off now pls.



Senior Member
wat wat?
Complacent has been is extremely content about shit manager that makes his team play shit football, because he gets guaranteed starting spot regardless of form.


New member
wat wat?
Complacent has been is extremely content about shit manager that makes his team play shit football, because he gets guaranteed starting spot regardless of form.

Messi and other seniors have all voiced their support. Are they all just praising him because they know they'll play?


Active member
wat wat?
Complacent has been is extremely content about shit manager that makes his team play shit football, because he gets guaranteed starting spot regardless of form.

We don't play shit football. Not as good as we used to but it's pretty hard to do when you don't have xavi,iniesta,alves,Neymar on the team at the same time like we used to. He plays the 433 constantly now but when you don't have as good quality you are not going to look as good


Well-known member
Might be. Or because they're retarded. Sportsmen generally aren't the brightest of people. What's your version?

What would you even need a version? People can be content with Valverde's work and handling of the situation in the club without being retarded.

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