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  1. H

    Ticket Barcelona - Atletico Madrid (1 free ticket give away)

    Understood. I dont know how to reach out local and I didnt expect somebody to travel from another country just because of a free ticket. Anyways thanks for the advise. I wish you a merry christmas.
  2. H

    Ticket Barcelona - Atletico Madrid (1 free ticket give away)

    I actully dont know but since i have requested it and im not asking for money i now have two choices. 1. Throw it out 2. Give it to a fan so the seat wont be empty and a fan will be happy. My name is on the ticket but i have never been asked my name or to show ID when entering the stadium. As...
  3. H

    Ticket Barcelona - Atletico Madrid (1 free ticket give away)

    Travel as much as possible. But off course I cant attend all games. When you have a season ticket (As i have) you have to request a ticket minimum 6 days before a game otherwise the club can sell your ticket for that game. I normally dont request a ticket to games i cant go to, but for the...
  4. H

    Ticket Barcelona - Atletico Madrid (1 free ticket give away)

    Im from Copenhagen. No secret or scam. Simply just trying to give a ticket away instead of it being an empty seat tomorrow. Seat is Corner Sud 2. Acceso 9. Puerta 8. Boca 234. Fila 0012. Asiento 0036
  5. H

    Ticket Barcelona - Atletico Madrid (1 free ticket give away)

    I dont know how to post local. I will not ask for any money. Just need a mail or whats app to send the ticket.
  6. H

    Ticket Barcelona - Atletico Madrid (1 free ticket give away)

    So far nobody. If you live in Barcelona i will also have for the Atalanta game where I can't attend myself.
  7. H

    La Liga Round 19: Barca - Atletico 1-2

    Couldn't be said any better! Amen to that.
  8. H

    La Liga Round 19: Barca - Atletico 1-2

    If people would have told me before the season that we would be number 2 in champions league and number 1 (if we beat AM) in the league halfways trough the season, i would have pissed in my pants laughing. If somebody would have said we would beat RM 0-4 away and Bayern 4-1 i would have...
  9. H

    Ticket Barcelona - Atletico Madrid (1 free ticket give away)

    No thanks. Im very fortunate to have a season ticket and to be able to travel and see lots of games. If i can help a Barca fan with a free ticket it would be my pleasure.
  10. H

    La Liga Round 19: Barca - Atletico 1-2

    I still have a ticket for the game i will give away for free if anybody wants it.
  11. H

    Ticket Barcelona - Atletico Madrid (1 free ticket give away)

    100% true. Why would i make a post about this just to make shit up? Im pissed at the prices a ticket cost and im fortunate to have season ticket. I also have for the Atalanta game where i will not go. So anyone how needs a ticket i have one for free.
  12. H

    Ticket Barcelona - Atletico Madrid (1 free ticket give away)

    Hi. I have a ticket for the coming match against Atletico Madrid that im not going to use. Im a season ticket holder and have already requested a ticket for this game, but i wont attend. Anyone need a free ticket for this game? I will not ask for any payment.
  13. H

    Meetup Dortmund vs Barcelona

    By the way I will not be able to make it to the Atletico Madrid game but I have already requested my ticket. So if anybody needs a ticket i have one you can have.
  14. H

    Meetup Dortmund vs Barcelona

    Nope. I live in Copenhagen and have a season ticket to Muntjuic (I travel to see as many homegames as possible) and travel to the away games in Champions League.
  15. H

    Meetup Dortmund vs Barcelona

    Any specific place in dortmund where Barca fans meet before the game?
  16. H

    FC Barcelona tickets: questions and info

    I had no reply yet. Anybody wants to sell a ticket to the Girona - Barca game please let me know.
  17. H

    FC Barcelona tickets: questions and info

    Im looking for a ticket to Girona vs Barcelona. Im a member of Barcelona and had requested a ticket however to many requested a ticket and a lottery was held. I didnt get a ticket. Can anyone help with one ticket? I know I have to pay a premium price. I have a season ticket to muntjuic so I can...

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