What's the defensive midfield solution?


New member
I think most people have noticed that we're sorely missing Busquets this season and we are suffering without a class DM solution.
Respect to Oriol Romeu, he started in the preseason really promising, but lately his form has been awful and has been singularly responsible for a few goals. I think its at the point we need to figure out a different solution with Romeu as a depth player, the worst thing you can say about a DM is he's unreliable under pressure.

Something Xavi has done recently is a midfield three of Pedri, Gundo and De Jong. I think these three are our best midfielders at the moment however; Gundo and Pedri definitely suit playing further up in central midfield. Frenkie drops deep a lot to receive so I think a lot of people consider him that base, but the way he breaks lines through dribbling, which is excellent, leaves gaps in the DM position that get exploited easily, and I feel like we suffer so much defensively from not having that extra player in front of defence to slow counters down.

I think the best outcome would be to find a solution with what we have, even if we have to change set up a bit. We can't buy much and a DM anywhere near capable of filling in for busquets is not gonna be cheap.

I've heard this suggestion which I think is interesting; Frenkie and Gavi (when healthy) as a double pivot, with Pedri and Gundo further up as central mids. I think this gives us Gundo and Pedri close to the goal which lets them play the final passes and box crash. You also let Frenkie break lines by dribbling, while leaving Gavi who's very aggressive and has great defensive contributions to cover the back line. I think the combo of Frenki and Gavi also gives you pretty good passing from the base of midfield. The only thing I don't like is I think Gavi has really good quality in central midfield and this would restrict him creatively a bit.

What's everyones thoughts on what our defensive midfield should be?


Active member
Well tyou should be our coach. This is one of the most sane tactical strategies. I would have opted for Cubarsi but again your solution would have saved us from many troubles made the players less prone to overworking. The only issue is the attack. It's quite poor in 3, in 2 it would have been very poor.

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