

Senior Member
Important goal. I think United were looking at maybe Europa otherwise.

Guys like Messi and him, even when declined, are just decisive.

El Gato

I can totally see United somehow winning CL on his back with a bunch of stinker games along the way

United is like one of 2 teams Pep is scared of


Active member
That goal saved him from a 1/10, so useless apart from one-touch finishing. Irritating that Villarreal makes 4 mistakes in the same sequence of play for him to score. Then again, when you miss 3738393 clearcut chances you deserve to loose the game.


Senior Member
I can totally see United somehow winning CL on his back with a bunch of stinker games along the way

United is like one of 2 teams Pep is scared of

You saw how Villarreal cut through their midfield(if one can call it that)?
Even in the 2nd half when United got the game under "control", they still conceded big chances, this wont do against an elite side.

El Gato

You saw how Villarreal cut through their midfield(if one can call it that)?
Even in the 2nd half when United got the game under "control", they still conceded big chances, this wont do against an elite side.

There’s a hint of black magic and inevitability about it tho. Counter intuitive as it may seem


Senior Member
He's definitely one of the luckiest players this season. Has played shit and been invisible for the most part this season, but somehow the luck is falling his way with the tap-ins. Not to mention, the goalkeeper should have done better once again. That won't happen against Liverpool.

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