FC Barcelona B (Barça Atlètic)


Senior Member
[tw]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Barcelona have contacted Universitatea Craiova, regarding the transfer of attacker Andrei Ivan (19). He would join the B team. [sport]</p>— barcabstuff (@barcabstuff) <a href="https://twitter.com/barcabstuff/status/684349524438036480">5. Januar 2016</a></blockquote>[/tw]

[tw]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Andrei Ivan: "I'm very happy. If the president likes the offer, I hope to join Barcelona. It's an opportunity that comes only once in life."</p>— barcabstuff (@barcabstuff) <a href="https://twitter.com/barcabstuff/status/684372066292903936">5. Januar 2016</a></blockquote>[/tw]

That actually sound like very good deal for a big talent (from what I've read) .may be if there is anyone here from Romania could tell us more about him

God Serena

New member
That actually sound like very good deal for a big talent (from what I've read) .may be if there is anyone here from Romania could tell us more about him

Hopefully someone from Romania can tell us if he's fat and out of shape or an anti-Culer. Would definitely make the process go a lot smoother.


Senior Member





A draw... at home it's bad. Hopefully they are improving. How are you watching, [MENTION=19222]xXKonan[/MENTION]?


Senior Member
I was reading live updates on a couple of twitter accounts.

Seemed like Romera was our most constant dangerous attacker.


New member
romera was not good. he had plenty chances and failed to score. i must admit, i was very disappointed with the performance. tarin, godswill, camara, dongou, romera all very poor and will sadly never make it.

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