

New member
Ronaldinho use to be the best in the world. And I think he can still become the best because he isn't even close to retirement yet. So he can still make a difference to soccer history. [R10] Ronaldinho will forever be remembered in Barca history.


Offc he can be the best again...technical abilities and vision u dont loose...the only thng he needs is physique


Yeah, people have been saying that since early 2007. Stop deluding yourself, he's all washed up.

you can think that he will never play well again, but i don't understand why you trying to convince someone to think like you... you think R10 is a past, ok, good for you, i don't care and i don't need to convice you that he will be better.

Cule Angles

Visca el filòsof!
Because that's the point of debate, and that's what a messageboard is about. I've been watching football for over 15 years and I've never seen a player come back from Ronaldinho's position, there's not a single indication that he will return to form and I'll enjoy making his fanboys see that for the last few years of his career. No doubt once Milan kick him out and he goes to Brazil or the MLS you'll all be screaming that his renaissance is imminent though. It's pretty sad that you can't move on and appreciate the footballers who are at the top of the game these days.


New member
Because that's the point of debate, and that's what a messageboard is about. I've been watching football for over 15 years and I've never seen a player come back from Ronaldinho's position, there's not a single indication that he will return to form and I'll enjoy making his fanboys see that for the last few years of his career. No doubt once Milan kick him out and he goes to Brazil or the MLS you'll all be screaming that his renaissance is imminent though. It's pretty sad that you can't move on and appreciate the footballers who are at the top of the game these days.

haha ... wake up dawg !! magic never ends ... all Ronaldinho needs is time ... after kaka departure ... it's all about him now in milan ... he has the same pressure he used to have at barca ... you don't have to say he won't be back ... you just have to watch ... even Ronaldo ( brazilian ) and zidane didn't have a chance against him when barca used to beat real with ronaldinho ... (and i hope now messi does the same against kaka and c.ronaldo) ... but zidane and ronaldo ( brazilian ) are better then kaka and c.ronaldo ... so the conclusion is that ronaldinho used to beat 2 players playing at the same team and each one with 3 times best player in the world .... so ronaldinho was god of football and will alwayz be ... he just took barca to a champions league trophy and 2 la ligas after 6 seasons ( i think ) without any trophy ... so the same will go with milan and you will see !!!!

Cule Angles

Visca el filòsof!
Yeah, he used to be good so there's no way he won't lose wait, regain motivation and become the player he was several years ago. Who needs logic when you have prescription meds?


Because that's the point of debate, and that's what a messageboard is about. I've been watching football for over 15 years and I've never seen a player come back from Ronaldinho's position, there's not a single indication that he will return to form and I'll enjoy making his fanboys see that for the last few years of his career. No doubt once Milan kick him out and he goes to Brazil or the MLS you'll all be screaming that his renaissance is imminent though. It's pretty sad that you can't move on and appreciate the footballers who are at the top of the game these days.

Did i say this? i don't think so... p.s. 1 example for you - Ronaldo (el fenomeneno) he playing very well again... i don't think that Ronaldinho will play as he played in his prime but i believe that he can play good....


who said that he is back?

R10(FCB):"rebirth, of course not...but i think (or better to say, i hope) that this is huge step to rebirth."

[FCB]Messi[10: "Don't you guys still think that Ronaldinho can still become a great player.


The Observer
mate.. he need a lot lot lot more than showing his skills vs a third division team to say a "rebirth " or " back " means the same that's like beating a 5 year old and say i'm the strongest guy on earth
CA is spot on

Cule Angles

Visca el filòsof!
I can't believe you use Ronaldo as an example, the guy is at nowhere near the same level he was in his prime. People on here keep banging on about Ronie getting "back to his best" whilst totally failing to recognise that the level he achieved during his best years was between the ages of 24-27, the peak years for most players of his style and position. To ask him to turn it around now, at 29, when he's shown no ability or desire to do so is delusional. He set the bar so high between 2004 and 2006 that it's unrealistic to expect that of him again.
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mate.. he need a lot lot lot more than showing his skills vs a third division team to say a "rebirth " or " back " means the same that's like beating a 5 year old and say i'm the strongest guy on earth
CA is spot on

LOL are you kidding me??? R10(FCB):"rebirth, of course not"

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